Sunday, May 31, 2015

Salzburg, Sound of Music Tour 2015

I really enjoyed the Sound of Music tour, I have always loved the Sound of Music movie. It was interesting going to the different sites where the film was done and learning about how the movie was changed from real life. They took you out in the country to where the wedding scene was filmed and the country was beautiful. If you like the Sound of Music I recommend this tour.

where the warf was built and boat scene
Red Bull headquarters, we went past this on way to cathedral
chapel for the wedding
one of gazebo from movie

church for wedding
fountain they used to sing

Salzburg Catherdral Residenz 2015

For hundreds of years the prince bishops used the Salzburg Residenz as a magnificent place of abode and as a means of presenting and representing their political status. Visitors requesting and audience with the regents were exposed to the rulers demonstrations of power and arbitrary authority. The only individuals allowed into the most magnificent rooms were people the prince bishops ‘could bear to see". Thus was the rule.
The Residenz is spectacular and well worth the visit.


Salzburg, Sites-St. Peter's cemetery, Kapital Horse pond, Mozart's Residence, Golden Ball 2015

We saw many sites and attended mass at Salzburg Cathedral even though we could not understand the language it was amazing with the robes and music.


Golden Ball
St Peter's  cemetery

Kapitel Horse Pond
Mozart Residence
I think they were making a movie
locks on the bridge fence from all over the world