Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas in Vancouver Queen Elizabeth theatre,Canada Place, Woodwards windows 2013

I had a great day in Vancouver with my granddaughter, daughter and her boyfriend. We started out with a play at the Queen Elizabeth theatre Santa's Christmas. Then we walked to Canada Place to see the decorations. Then we went to the Christmas craft fair. Lastly we walked around Gastown.

Woodward Windows  

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Gingerbread House Party

A little history of the origin of the party, 2 friends and I used to car pool and study together while we were taking the registered nurses training. This went on for 3 ½ years of studying and looking after the house and kids. We thought there must be something besides studying and working something that would be fun. It was December 1981 and we decided it would be fun to make gingerbread houses. Apparently it was since that was 32 years ago. There was a 4 year break when I retired and we were travelling all around Canada, US, and Europe. We were still going away for the winter so I solved this problem by having the party in the Fall instead. Elsie is one of the friends that I studied with and has been to all of them except one  (I was living in Vancouver for a year.) We are in the 27th year now with 3 generations with Elsie and her daughter Christine and her daughter Shelby.


3 generations for the gingerbread house party